Salt is a mineral that contains 40% sodium with the remainder containing chloride. We need salt to maintain the correct level of body fluids and movement of muscles. Salt is one of the oldest food seasoning as well as a food preservative.
However, we all should aware of health risk associated with salt consumption. Taking more salt could lead to high blood pressure, a condition that damages the circulation system. Not everyone susceptible to taking more salt. Each body reacts to salt differently. However, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines suggest that adults should limit daily intake of salt to less than 2,300mg.
How do we limit our daily intake of salt? Here are some suggestions:
- Instead of table salt, use large crystal salt. This could cut down your salt intake by 25%.
- Prepared food contains more salt since salt act as a preservative. So, cut down your use of packaged food. Make a batch of your own convenience food with less salt.
- Use alternatives such as spices and other flavorings.
- If you have to use salt, try using it only once a day.
- If you have to use canned food, try rinsing it to take away some salt.