Have you found a place that provides great service? Did you tip your server generously? We use tips to appreciate service we received.
Consider the service you received. Many places suggest tipping a certain percentage while others may suggest a flat rate. Tipping is not just for restaurant servers. At the car wash or someone who brought in your new furniture, consider giving a flat amount. Waiters at the restaurant and your hairdresser should get 15 percent or more of the bill. Many give 10 percent to the pizza delivery person.
When tipping you should consider your financial situation too. If you can afford, be generous and others can follow the established norms.
Use your judgment. If you are trying to decide between 15 and 20 percent, use other factors too. When you are tipping your babysitter or the house cleaner, keep in mind you are expecting an excellent service each time. Tipping in this instance is appreciating the excellent service provided. Also, it is important to the receiver so that they can feel that excellent service rewards.
When giving or leaving a tip, be discreet. Keep the money under the bill at a restaurant and put it in an envelope when you leave a tip for your babysitter or the house cleaner.